chaos LOVE smiles tears joy happiness cigarettes chuckles Intense SAD InLove CHOCOLATE laughing happy BUBBLES homesick LONELY Popular akward TABOO searching found LOST Mad Giggling Vodka poetry dreams a touch KITTENS daisy chains Lime&Soda Current AFFAIRS joy Meaning DEFINING ME weltschmerz Intense Joy FRIENDS nightmares curves LAUGHTER family memories strange DESIRE normal Divinity

Friday, April 16, 2010

Happiness Is

So I decided that instead of bitching and moaning this morning I would make a list of 15 things that make each day bearable and bring a smile to my lips when I think of them!
Here goes...bottoms up!

* My beautiful Black Cat, who waits for me to come home for a cuddle and a chat
* My home - because I love it and it's mine!
* The view from my house is amazing! I can see across the WHOLE valley
* My amazing, stunningly lovely M (the boyfriend)!
* Family whose forgiveness is complete and who can always make me laugh
* Being healthy - running in my garden, feeling the grass prickle my feet, knowing
that everything is ok!
* Blowing bubbles and catching them
* That first big lucious stretchas you get out of bed! mmmmhhhhh!
* The fabulous friends I have - those I have are so special to me! x
* My Se, the most amazing friends a girl can have!
* Smelling the roses on my way to work
* Sitting on the beach and reading the clouds
* Talking to the M
* Watching butterflies chase the breeze
* Knowing that I am loved beyond belief by some people!

So, all that positivity is now out there andin me nnnnnIm looking forward to 2 days of work and some lovely quality time spent with the M.
Nothing can really go wrong!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rain, Dreams and Heart's Desire's

Having started my blog (and being very excited) since my first post I have had not a second to do anything else! Sad, but true!

This morning I woke up to gloriously grey skies and a lovely gentle drizzle! It made me want to curl up with a favourite book, my cat and a MONSTER pot of coffee - alas it's not to be. I had to be at work at 7:00! Again..Sad, but true!!!
This weather may not be conducive to getting out of bed, but it is good for deep thoughts and strange insights into life, of which, since I have been awake I have had many- worldpeace, allowing people to be who they are, letting go of conflict and learning to forgive, loving the happy memories and leaving behind memories which have cause me pain.
Having had some very deep thoughts about Forgiving in the last few days, I have come to the realization that it is not something that happens overnight, it takes time, effort and constant reminders of the task at hand. Forgiveness is a two road I think and doesn't mean that I want to see you agian or be in your life again, all it means (this to me is significant) is that I'm stronger than the pain, than the heartache and the terrible events, it means that I can sleep deper at night as happier and more whole person!
But, how do you forgive yourself for hurting the once you love, for damaging an innocent soul, for takinf from yourself the opportunity of an untainted adulthood?
Having now splurged those thoughts I should attempt to do some work and earn some money! Back to the grindstone with my scary questions and the knowledge that I have many mountains fo paper to get through today!

Wishing you all the happiest day!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Letter of Introduction very first blog! Mmmmhhh! Big steps and all!
Anyway - basically this is to say hi to the big world of blogging!
I've been thinking of doing this for ages and have now decided NO MORE dilly dallying! Today's the day!
So, to introduce myself properly.....
I'm 23, living in the most amazing Eastern Cape, have an awesome family, a stunningly fabulous lover, best friend and soul mate - and generally I'm happy!

I'm interested in EVERYTHING - from cooking (I studied cheffing), to reading,to planting beans to looking at Stamps (I know, sad but so true!)
This blog is my place voice my thoughts, share events, stories and have fun! SO...
Hi there!
